The final of the Competition for the Best Technological Innovation for 2024 was held on December 21, 2024, and the best practically realized innovation was chosen to be the innovation “Neutral Line Break Detector”, invented and implemented by the team Detector “N” from Niš.
Six teams succeeded to enter the finals for the choice of the best technological innovation, and the decision about the winner was passed by independent reviewers who evaluated the competitors from the very beginning of the competition, as well as the expert panel of judges in the final part of the competition.
This year, the Best Technological Innovation celebrates full 20 years of existence, since the organization of the first competition. The Best Technological Innovation Competition promotes the entrepreneurial spirit, manner of thinking and behaviour, by providing for the contesters financial and educational support.
The Intellectual Property Office is a partner of the Competition for the Selection of the Best Technological Innovation, with a common goal and a wish to bring closer to the competitors the concept of the intellectual property protection. This year, the representatives of the IPO participated in the activities of the panel of judges in two categories: Implemented Innovations and Innovative Ideas of High School/Student Teams.
More information about the Competition for the Best Technological Innovation can be read here.