Apply before January 25, 2021 and secure support for the fast development of the innovative idea. Support program “Raising Starts” of the Scientific and Technological Park Belgrade offers also expert and financial support for the development of the innovative products and services, without intruding into the ownership. The teams will work with the top local and international mentors and for the best teams, financial support of 15,000CHF per team has been secured.
The program will enable the start ups in the early phases of development to validate their idea and expand business through the intensive training for the business development, mentorship, as well as covering expenses intended for the creation of prototype, development of business model, market examination, testing of first buyers, protection of intellectual property and other expenses connected with the development of new products or services. The application form and more information are available at
The start up teams can apply for the program (if they have at least two members) along with the companies providing they are not older than two years before the opening of the invitation, if they develop innovative products and services to overcome the obstacles on the way from the innovative idea to readiness for the investment to enter the global market. The program of the Scientific and Technological Park Belgrade is enforced with the support of the government of the Swiss Confederation.