For the students of specialist studies from the department “Industrial Pharmacy” and the PhD students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade, on Saturday, November 18, 2023, a seminar was held about the importance and procedures of IPR protection in the field of pharmacy. This continues the successful cooperation in the education in the field of industrial property, between this Faculty and the Intellectual Property Office, that has been going on for more than a decade.
The lecturers from the IPO informed the participants of the seminar about the importance of IP Rights protection in the pharmaceutical industry, about the basics of patent protection including conditions for the protection of invention by a patent, as well as the national and international protection, parts of patent application and specific examples from the field of pharmacy. The second part of the seminar was dedicated to the search of patent documentation in the publicly available data base Espacenet, administered by the European Patent Office. The participants of the seminar were divided in two groups, and they were in the position to get acquainted with the search tools offered by this data base, with more details and then, they could participate more actively in the workshop with the specially prepared examples for the search of patent documentation.
How important this topic was for the participants of the mentioned Seminar was demonstrated by a great number of questions as well as the active participation in the workshop.