The World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO issued on September 26, 2024 Global Innovation Index for 2024. Following the latest global trends in innovations, GII 2024 discovers that the investments in innovations slowed down in the course of 2024, which is in significant contradiction with the previous years. However, technological progress in different fields, such as supercomputers, connections, health, sanitary and green technologies keep on developing unobstructed.
According to the latest Global Innovation Index for 2024, Serbia is ranked on the 52nd place from the total of 133 countries. This result represents advance for one place in comparison to the 53rd position from 2023.
The Global Innovation Index, consisting of 80 indicators, measures innovative capacities of countries through certain in and out parameters, providing insight in different aspects of innovations. In the framework of the group of countries having high average income, Serbia has the 7th place amongst 34 economies, while in the European region it is ranked on the 31st place from 39 countries included in this edition.
One of the most important aspects of GII report implies that Serbia is ranked better according to the entering innovation parameters (47th place), but it also shows improvement in the innovation results, where it now takes the 60th place, which shows progress in comparison to the last year. This indication shows that Serbia gradually improves its innovative performances.
Although Serbia still does not have science-technology clusters among the first 100 in the world, science-technology cluster Belgrade appears in the extended list composed of the additional 132 clusters, and Serbia is one of five countries with the average income which is mentioned in that extended list. Significant results of Serbia have been recognised in several fields, and it especially stands out with regard to quality management certificates and the ratio of the number of pupils in secondary schools per teacher, where it takes the fifth place per both indicators.
Serbia has positive results in the field of diversification of home industry and export of services regarding information technologies (ICT), as well as in the field of scientific and technical publications. However, weaker results in the domain of funds for R&D, as well as investment of private sector in innovations, represent challenge for further progress.
Speaking about countries which take the first positions in innovations, Switzerland holds again the first position in the 14th year in a row. Then, Sweden, the USA, Singapore and United Kingdom follow as the first five world leaders in innovations. These countries are characterised by special results in the domain such as investment in research and development, technological progress and innovation efficiency.
Although there are fields where Serbia is observed to lag in the back, such as creative results and business sophistication, it is important to mention that Serbia is almost there to enter among the first 50 countries in the world with regard to innovative performances. Serbia is in the phase of gradual development of innovation ecosystem and it has significant potential for further development in the forthcoming years.
Global Innovation Index for 2024 offers significant insight for the creators of policies and business leaders, indicating the necessity of investment in innovations as the key engine of economic growth and social development.
Have a look at the Global Innovation Index 2024 at the site of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) at the following link, while in the video bellow you can have a look and have survey of the most important data for GII 2024.