At the invitation of the organiser of the conference „Legal Pro Forum 2024“ held from October 20 – 23, 2024, at the mountain of Zlatibor, the representative of the Intellectual Property Office participated at the panel under the title “Protection of Trademark at the Market of West Balkan”.
The expert from the Intellectual Property Office spoke about the role of this body in the procedure of trademark grant and the possible ways of trademark protection in the case of the violation of rights, with the accent on the civil law protection enabling procedures of the inspectorate bodies and the Customs.
The participants got acquainted with the role and work of the Coordination Body for the efficient protection of intellectual property rights in the Republic of Serbia, gathering representatives of the inspection bodies, the Customs, the Police and the Public Prosecutor, and if necessary other entities of importance for the establishment of the efficient protection from violation of intellectual property rights.
At the panel, the prominent experts from the Faculty of Law of the Belgrade University participated along with the lawyers with rich experience with regard to the protection against the unauthorised use of trademark and other intellectual property rights.