
Overview of fees in various intellectual property rights proceedings.

Excerpt from the Law on Republic Administrative Fees for Filings and Actions Related to Intellectual Property Rights, last updated in Official Gazzette RS 138/2022, Law on Republic Admnistrative Fees.

For certain procedures, the applicants or holders of rights that are natural persons have a discount when paying fees. Also, applicants filing eApplication may enjoy additional discount. Discounts for natural persons and for electronic filing, if any, can be seen on the page with fees in the Serbian language for certain intellectual property rights.

Payment instructions

Instructions for payment of fees

Account number: 840-30880845-62
Reference number: 97 44018
Recipient: Republic Administrative Fees – Intellectual Property Office

Purpose of payment: On the form of the payment slip, it is obligatory to state the purpose of the payment (according to the tariff number), as well as the application number (Ž number, P number…), ie the registration number under which the right is kept in the register of the Intellectual Property Office if at the time of payment such a number exists and the fees relate to the handling of registered / registered rights.


Instructions for the payment of the maintenance fee in the validity of the European patent

Account number: 840-30686845-62 ( the filing date is October 1, 2010 or later )
Reference number: 97 44018
Recipient: Republic Administrative Fees – Intellectual Property Office

Purpose of payment: On the payment slip form, it is obligatory to state the basis of payment (Maintenance fee), as well as the case number, ie the registration number under which the right is kept in the register of the Intellectual Property Office, if at the time of payment such number does not exist European patent number.

Fees are paid at the bank or post office, and proof of payment is attached with the accompanying submission.

Fee (RSD) Individuals
Fee (RSD) Individuals
Tariff number 107.
Patent application fee:
1) Up to 10 patent claims 9920
2) For each subsequent patent claim over 10 patent claims 970
Petty patent application fee 9920
International patent application, fees paid to IP Office as a Receiving Office for PCT patent application:
1) Up to 10 patent claims 9920
2) For each subsequent patent claim over 10 patent claims 970
Request for entry of the European patent in the patent register 9000 9000
For a request for recognition of Supplementary prorotection certificate 45640
For the request for recognition of topography of semiconductor product 9920
Tariff number 110.
For the request for the state of the art search report, if there is no report on the international search 19910
For a request for substantive examination of patent application 9920
For a request for a substantive examination of an international patent application filed at a subsequent deadline 5970
Tariff number 111.
Maintenance fees for registered patent and patent application:
1) 3rd year 13910
2) 4th year 16890
3) 5th year 19910
4) 6th year 23850
5) 7th year 27800
6) 8th year 31800
7) 9th year 35790
8) 10th year 39780
9) 11th year 47770
10) 12th year 55720
11) 13th year 63690
12) 14th year 71620
13) 15th year 79570
14) 16th year 87550
15) 17th year 95500
16) 18th year 103460
17) 19th year 111400
18) 20th year 119350
Tariff number 112.
Maintenance fees for petty patents:
1) 3rd year 13910
2) 4th year 16890
3) 5th year 19910
4) 6th year 23850
5) 7th year 27800
6) 8th year 27800
7) 9th year 27800
8) 10th year 27800
Tariff number 113.
Mintenance fees for Supplementary Protection Certificate:
1) 1st year 117350
2) 2nd year 143440
3) 3rd year 169520
4) 4th year 195610
5) 5th year 221690
Tariff number 114.
For registration of the topography of a semiconductor product 19910
Tariff number 123.
For the Certificate on granted industrial property right 3990
For the duplicate of the Ceritficate on granted industrial property right 2010
Tariff number 134a.
For publishing information on a granted patent or petty patent 480
Tariff number 134b.
For printing of granted patent document, for patent or petty patent, per page of patent document 260
For the creation of granted patent document in electronic form
This fee is paid only for the documents of extended European patents and European patents, because the national patents and petty patents are subject to article 29, paragraph 2 of the Regulation on the contents of certificates, applications and requests in the procedure of protection of inventions, as well as the manner of filing the applications and publishing of inventions – “Official Gazettee RS” , No, 78/19.
7680 7680
All Patent fees (available only in Serbian)
Fee (RSD)
Fee (RSD)
Tariff number 107.
Trademark application fee:
1) Up to three classes of International trademark classification of goods and services 19910
2) For each subsequent class over three classes of the international classification of goods and services 3990
3) For a figurative element or verbal sign with a graphic representation 3990
Collective or guarantee trademark application fee:
1) Up to three classes of International trademark classification of goods and services 39780
2) For each subsequent class over three classes of the international classification of goods and services 5970
3) For a figurative element or verbal sign with a graphic representation 5970
For a request for international registration of a trademark 9920
Tariff number 116.
For acquiring or extending the validity of a trademark, for a period of ten years:
1) Up to three classes of International trademark classification of goods and services 39780
2) For each subsequent class over three classes of the international classification of goods and services 5970
3) For a figurative element or verbal sign with a graphic representation 5970
To acquire or extend the validity of a collective or a guarantee trademark, for a period of ten years:
1) Up to three classes of International trademark classification of goods and services 49720
2) For each subsequent class over three classes of the international classification of goods and services 5970
3) For a figurative element or verbal sign with a graphic representation 5970
Tariff number 123.
For the Certificate on granted industrial property right 3990
For the duplicate of the Ceritficate on granted industrial property right 2010
All Trademark fees (available only in Serbian)
Fee (RSD)
Fee (RSD)
Tariff number 107.
Industrial design application fee:
1) If the application contains one industrial design 7950
2) If the application contains two or more industrial designs, for the second and each subsequent industrial design 5970
For a request for international registration of an industrial design 9920
Tariff number 115.
For acquiring and maintenance of the validity of an industrial design, for a period of the first five years:
1) For the first industrial design 19910
2) For the second and each subsequent industrial design in serie 13910
A five-year fee is paid to maintain the validity of an industrial design for each five-year period from six to twenty-five years:
1) For the first industrial design 11930
2) For the second and each subsequent industrial design in serie 7950
Tariff number 123.
For the Certificate on granted industrial property right 3990
For the duplicate of the Ceritficate on granted industrial property right 2010
All Industrial Design fees (available only in Serbian)
Fee (RSD)
Fee (RSD)
Tariff number 107.
Application fee for the registration of the appellation of origin or geographical indication 9920
Application fee for the recognition of the status of the authorized user of the appellation of origin, or for the recognition of the status of the authorized user of the geographical indication 19910
Tariff number 116.
For the acquisition or the extension of the right of the authorized user of the indication of the geographical origin:
1) For the period of three years from the date of entry of the recognized status of the authorized user of the appellation of origin into the register of the authorized users of the appellation of origin or entry of the authorized user of the geographical indication into the register of the authorized users of geographical indications 19910
2) For every extension of the right to use the appellation of origin or the geographical indication 19910
All Indications of geographical origin fees (available only in Serbian)
Fee (RSD)
Fee (RSD)
Tariff number 134v.
For a patent documentation search report, based on bibliographic data
For searching by name or title of the patent applicant or inventor in the available national and international patent documentation databases
1) With bibliographic data of up to ten patent documents 2590
2) With bibliographic data for each subsequent patent document over 10 patent documents 170
For searching by number of patent document (analogue) or priority data in available national and international patent document databases 3200
To determine the legal status in the patent fund of the Republic of Serbia on the basis of the RS/YU patent number document 580
Tariff number 134g.
For searching patent documentation in available national and international patent document databases, upon oral or written request, performed by an expert of the Intellectual Property Office in the presence of the client 5230
Tariff number 134d.
For the patent documentation search report based on the description of the technical solution and other data, according to one technical solution, in particular:
1) If the request does not specify the right holder 20230
2) If the request specifies the right holder 13420
Tariff number 134dj.
For the preparation of search report aimed for assesment of the novelty of the technical solution, where the search is performed in the available national and international databases of patent documents and available non-patent literature, based on the request containing a description of the technical solution and the patent claims 16170
Tariff number 134e.
For the preparation of a search report on the patentability of a technical solution, based on a request containing a detailed description of the technical solution and the patent claims 22950
Tariff number 134ž.
For the preparation of a search report with regard to the patent protection in the Republic of Serbia, in particular:
1) Based on the description of the technical solution and other data (eg. IPC symbols), when the right holder is not specified 20980
2) Based on the description of the technical solution and other data (eg. IPC symbols), when the right holder is specified 12000
3) Based on the chemical and/or generic name of the active substance of the product/drug if the right holder is not specified 25690
4) Based on the chemical and/or generic name of the active substance of the product/drug if the right holder is specified 14880
Tariff number 134z.
For the preparation of non-standard search report of patent documentation, based on a specific written request of the customer, for the first two hours of the search 2590
For the preparation of non-standard search report of patent documentation, based on a specific written request of the customer, for the third and each subsequent hour of search 650
Tariff number 134i.
Fee for the printing of a patent document or information from any of the databases available to the Intellectual Property Office, per printed page 30
Tariff number 134j.
Fee for making a copy of the case file or other printed document from the documentation of the Intellectual Property Office, per printed page 10
Tariff number 134k.
For the search report on whether a sign is protected or registered as a trademark for the territory of the Republic of Serbia:
1) If the list of goods and services includes up to three classes of the international classification of goods and services 2590
2) If the list of goods and services includes more than three classes of the International classification of goods and services, for the fourth and each subsequent class 390
For a search report on whether a sign is protected or registered as a Indication of geographical origin for the territory of the Republic of Serbia 2590
Tariff number 134l.
For a search report on whether a body shape, picture or drawing, is registered industrial design or applied for industrial design for the territory of the Republic of Serbia 3920
Tariff number 134lj.
For a search report on whether a trademark, design or geographical indication is registered or applied for in the name of a certain person (entrepreneur, company or other legal entity), for the territory of the Republic of Serbia, per industrial property right 3920
All Information search service fees (available only in Serbian)