Electronic publications

Get acquainted with some of the publications that provide in-depth insights into intellectual property and all its rights.

Enterprising Ideas : A Guide to Intellectual Property for Startups

A guide on how startups can use the intellectual property protection system to preserve competitiveness and understand the risks that can arise due to neglecting its importance in business.
See the guide here.


Inventors’ Handbook

Basic guidance on the key stages of turning an invention into a commercial product. See the complete handbook here.


Intellectual Property Gazette

Data on published applications and registered industrial property rights are published in the official gazette of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia. You can see all editions of Gazzete in the Serbian language here.

Exchanging Value – Negotiating Technology Licensing Agreements

This Manual is based on material used and tested in a series of workshops conducted jointly by WIPO and the International Trade Centre (ITC) where the importance of understanding the relevance of intellectual property in negotiating technology license agreements were discussed and mock negotiations were undertaken. The Manual explains the intellectual property issues that are relevant in technology licensing and provides practical tips in engaging in such negotiations.

Read this publication on WIPO website.

Newsletter of the Education and Information Centre

From its establishment the Education and Information Center has been publishing an EIC Newsletter with information about topical subjects in the field of intellectual property. The EIC Newsletter is intended for all organizations and individuals involved in intellectual property or seeking knowledge in this field. You can see all previous bulletins at the following link.

Analysis of the economic effects of counterfeiting and piracy in Serbia

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of counterfeiting and piracy and their impact on gross domestic product (GDP) and employment in Serbia for the period 2015-2019.


Short survey of the women inventors in Serbia of the XX century

In the honor of 100 years of its existence, the Intellectual Property Right published a book : Short survey of women inventors in Serbia of the XX century” by the author, prof. Aleksandar Petrovic, Ph.D. The book represents an homage to women inventors in Serbia.


One hunderd years od IPO

On behalf of 100 years of the existence of the IPO, the Office has issued. a monograph where the history of the activities of the IPO, since its foundation on November 15,1920, has been described along with the history of IPR protection that goes further back to the past when the Paris Convention has been signed. The publication is issued in Serbian, but at the end, there is also a summary in English.


Analysis of counterfeiting and piracy in Serbia

The aim of this analysis is to evaluate present scope and presence of crime in the field of IPR in Serbia, with the special emphasize on counterfeiting and piracy. Analysis was conducted in the period from October 2014 to March 2015. It included the survey of the existing literature, conversations with the existing representatives of institutions in Serbia authorized for the IPR enforcement, meetings with the holders of rights in Serbia, discussions with the international bodies for the IPR enforcement, communication with the international holder of rights and the market study.


List of institutions actively engaged in the IPR enforcement

Several international institutions at their internet pages offers information about the IPR enforcement. In this publication, the main actors among them are presented.


Influence of crime in the domain of intellectual property

Total value of pirated of forged goods in the world surpasses 250 million dollars. In addition to great losses suffered by the original right holders, the counterfeited goods represents a serious threat for the health and safety of people, bearing in mind that it can be found in all sectors, including food and beverage production, spare parts for planes and medical devices.


Intellectual Property Development Strategy for the period 2018-2022

Intellectual Property Development Strategy decides about the directions, measures and goals of middle term, short term and longterm development of the system of intellectual property in the Republic of Serbia, in order to harmonize it with the development interests of the country.


Handbook on Resources for Teaching IP Law in the Western Balkans and Turkey

The most important factor for the success of an IP system in a country is to establish an understanding of the role of IP in agricultural, industrial and scientific innovation, its contribution to education, social and cultural development and its importance for trade and economic growth. It is therefore important to provide for effective IP at all relevant levels of education. The Queen Mary University of London published this study.


Review of the Innovation Process and the Corresponding Funding Possibilities in Serbia

Study “Review of the Innovation Process and the Corresponding Funding Possibilities in Serbia” presents existing situation in relation to the innovation activities in Serbia. It provides analysis of the Strategy for scientific and technological development and of the partnership for national innovation system. Innovation potential has been analysed in relation to seven national priorities in the research and development area.


Integrating IP into innovation policy formulation in Serbia

Primary objective of this project was to understand Serbia’s current innovation system, and the extent to which intellectual property is or should be incorporated therein. It included a desk review to map the innovation system in Serbia and to identify the main institutions and actors.


Small and Medium Enterprises and Intellectual Property

Study “Small and Medium Enterprises and Intellectual Property” provides insight into economy in relation to investments and relevant legislative that affect business, with special focus on the SMEs and their exploitation of intellectual property rights by business sectors.


Contribution to the economy of Serbia of activities based on Copyright

This was the first study in Serbia made in compliance with the WIPO methodology, developed in order to establish the economic contribution of activities based on copyright with the aim to achieve the highest possible degree of comparativeness between the national studies in this field.


How to get a European patent

The “European Patent Guide” has been designed to provide inventors, companies and their representatives with an outline of the procedure involved in applying for a European patent, offering practical advice to smooth the way through the various stages. EPO Guide

Marketing Crafts and Visual Arts: The Role of Intellectual Property

This manual is all about successful marketing of crafts and visual arts and appropriate use of intellectual property tools. It contemplates situations when formal IP protection should be considered. The manual includes case studies in IP management in crafts and visual arts sector.

Read full publication on WIPO website.

Secrets of Intellectual Property – A guide for small and medium-sized exporters

This guide contains questions and answers on relevant intellectual property issues and explains basic concepts and principles concerning IP rights, in particular – employees’ ownership of rights, contracting, licensing, technology transfer, international protection, and other important topics for successful business.


IP Valuation

In this issue, there is an overview of methods for assessing the value of intellectual property. The whole process is illustrated in one case from practice.


Copyright Comic Book

This comic book narrates the adventures of four teenagers who learn what copyright is and how they and society at large can benefit from copyright. While the WIPO comic books are primarily geared towards students from 8 to 12 years’ old, higher-level students and adults have found them useful in providing a basic understanding of IP issues.


Trademarks Comic Book

This comic book narrates the adventures of four adolescents, who learn what trademarks are and how they and society at large can benefit from them. While the WIPO comic books are primarily geared towards students from 8 to 12 years’ old, higher-level students and adults have found them useful in providing a basic understanding of IP issues.


Espacenet – introduction to the database of ideas

This guide gives information on all possibilities offered by free access to the collection of more than 60 million patent documents from around the globe, containing information on inventions and technical achievements from 1836 until today.


Patents Comic Book

This comic book narrates the adventures of four teenagers who learn what patents are and how they and society at large can benefit from them. While the WIPO comic books are primarily geared towards students from 8 to 12 years’ old, higher-level students and adults have found them useful in providing a basic understanding of IP issues.


Creative Expression

This manual provides SMEs with the basic knowledge on how to protect arts of work under their authorship and also how to benefit from their copyright and related rights.


Looking Good

Visual attractiveness of the product is one of the most important characteristics which affect its market competitiveness and is often crucial in customer’s final decision on purchase. Therefore, every successful business needs to learn how to protect the design of its products.


Making a Mark

Trademarks have been one of the key marketing and reputation elements of companies. Therefore, in order to sustain and develop its competitiveness, every company should include trademark strategy into its corporate strategy.


Inventing the Future

Patents are one of the most important modern assets of any company, providing it with the possibilities for utilization of innovative ideas and technological capacities, thus strenghtening its business, marketing and exporting position.


95 years of the Intellectual Property protection in the Republic of Serbia

Within the program of the celebration of 95 years of the intellectual property protection in the Republic of Serbia, the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia published a monograph, which includes various industrial property rights in the Republic of Serbia that have been applied and marketed in our country as well as abroad.


What is Intellectual Property?

This publication of the World Intellectual Property Organization represents a guide into the IP world. By providing basic information on patents, trademarks, industrial designs, indications of geographical origin, copyright and related rights, as well as on intellectual property itself, this publication stands as irreplaceable for those who wish to step into the IP environment. It is available for download here, as well as on the WIPO’s website.
