At Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the IPO was visited by a pupil`s team from the secondary school “1300 corporals” from the town of Ljig, whose company, at the regional competition in Kragujevac, ranked for the national competition of best pupil`s companies held in the organization of Junior Achievement Serbia.
The national competition of best pupil`s companies will be held in Belgrade from May 19-21, 2024, and it has been supported by the Ministry of Economy. The aim is for the pupils to get acquainted with the principles of entrepreneurship and to develop their own entrepreneurship enterprises through the cultivation of products, establishment of company and its termination.
The pupil`s company from Ljig “Teen Needs” cultivated a product “Eins Zwei & Dry” consisting of fluids (distilled water, alcohol, glycerol and etheric oil) and gloves, and it serves for the maintenance of hygiene. One part of the glove serves to apply the fluid and clean part of the body and another serves to wipe it clean or dry it.
Four pupils of the team “Teen Needs”, with their two mentors (teacher and business mentor) had the opportunity to get acquainted in the Office with its history and with the various intellectual property rights. The particular examples have been demonstrated from the database of patents, trademarks and industrial designs, illustrating how different intellectual property rights can be of importance for the success and development of the entrepreneurship company.