On the occasion of the World Intellectual Property Day, which is celebrated every April 26, the World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO initiated the competition for the creators of inspirational video recordings. This year, the roof topic is the “Women and Intellectual Property: “Accelerating Innovations and Creativity”.
The competition “World IP Day 2023 Video Competition” represents an excellent opportunity for the video creators to share their ideas why it is important to increase the participation of girls and women in innovations and every sphere of creative work.
According to the propositions of the competition, the participants, in a video lasting for 90 seconds, should share their ideas how the inclusive innovative ecosystem can liberate inventiveness and creativity of women to equally participate in the building of better future.
We invite all creative persons to register, till March 19, 2023, their video recording on the WIPO site (address at the bottom) that will give them opportunity to win digital equipment in the amount of 5,000 CHF, as well as to get other awards.
Record your video clip (not longer than 90 seconds) on the topic: “When women enter the IP universe, we accelerate innovation and creativity and everyone is a winner”. The video can show the creativity and innovativeness of women inventors, creators and entrepreneurs, emphasizing how intellectual property rights can enable women to realize even more influence in society and economy, as well as bring collective benefits, which are the outcome of participation of a larger number of women in innovations and intellectual property ecosystems.
Find out more at the WIPO website.