Today, at 1856, in the town of Gospić (Croatia), Nikola Tesla was born, our greatest scientist and inventor, the continual source of inspiration for numerous generations of scientists, experts and inventors.
His most important works are the inventions on which our everyday life is grounded. This refers, first of all to his system of alternating currents, whose key components – system for the distribution of alternating currents and appropriate engines of alternating currents – were invented by Tesla.
After the mentioned system, his numerous inventions followed from the domain of high-frequency currents and high voltage, including transformer carrying his name and inventions from the field of wireless transfer of energy, where, among other things, he gave crucial contribution to the invention of radio.
He is the creator of wireless control, and his entrepreneurship spirit reflected in the domain of generating and implementing X-rays, electrotherapy, as well as the system of illumination.
Apart from the electronics, Tesla was engaged in different fields of technology, and primarily mechanical engineering. As his greatest work, he considered the world system of the wireless transfer of information and energy that he donated for the benefit of the entire humankind and whose realization he tried to initiate in Wardenclyffe Tower, USA.
Tesla protected a great number of his inventions by patents. So far, it has been established that Nikola Tesla had 116 basic patents, including 109 US patents, and 7 British patents that Tesla used to protect a total of 125 inventions. It has also been established that Tesla received for his inventions at least 311 patents in 27 different countries of the world.
The birthday of Nikola Tesla, July 10, was declared the Day of Science in the Republic of Serbia in 2010.