Public hearing lasts from January 30 to February 19, 2023. Comments, proposals and suggestions can be forwarded by the electronic mail at the address or in writing at the address of the Ministry of Economy, 20, Kneza Miloša Street, Belgrade.
The proposal of this regulation is prepared by the Ministry of Justice. The text of the Draft was prepared by a special working group for the elaboration of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights which has been formed by a decision of the Ministry of Justice. In addition to the representatives of the Ministry of Justice, the Intellectual Property Office, the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, the National Library of Serbia, also the representatives of the collective management organizations of copyright and related rights participated: SOKOJ, OFPS and PI, as well as the Initiative Digital Serbia.
The Draft Law on Copyright and Related Rights, as well as the reasoning can be seen at the page on all the public hearings at the following link.