It gives us great pleasure to inform you that on-line Workshop on mediation and arbitration of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center shall be held from 28 to 30 November 2023, according to the program that you can see at the following link.
The workshop “WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Workshop” shall be held from Tuesday November 28 to Thursday, November 30, 2023, every day, in the term from 10 to 12. a.m. In the framework of the Workshop, the participants shall be closely informed about the procedures of mediation and arbitration, and the attention shall be dedicated in particular to the practical implementation of WIPO Rules about mediation, arbitration and expediated arbitration, current practice of resolving disputes, as well as the streamlines for the elaboration of ADR clauses about the resolution of disputes.
Organized with the support of the International Association for Intellectual Property Protection (AIPPI) and International Association for Licensing (LESI), the Workshop has for its aim the promotion of better understanding of possibilities for the alternative ways of dispute resolutions in the field of intellectual property and technological disputes. The workshop is intended for mediators, IP arbitration lawyers, counselors, patent and trademark representatives as well as all others who wish to get acquainted with the international procedures of mediation and arbitration and complete the training for mediators and representatives of clients.
Your participation of this event can be registered here.