

Celebration of the 104th anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office

On Wednesday, November 27th 2024, at the festive hall of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia in Belgrade, on the occasion of the celebration of the 104th anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia, awards have been presented to the winners of the competition organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for 2024 in the five categories.

Mr. Vladimir Marić, Director of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia, in his opening address, reminded us of the words of Ivo Andrić and the importance of preservation of humanity in everything we engage in:

“Something occurred to me while I have read the essays “Signs along the Road”, one masterful reminder of Ivo Andrić, concerning the relation of man towards the celebration of the New Year. The last days of the old year, as Andrić has spoken, people usually discard as the crumbs of bread from the bag and they direct all their attention to the festive moment of the departure of the old year and the arrival of the new year. It seemed to me, as I noticed that while laughing inside, that our relation here to the celebration organized today is a bit like that.

The next year is a jubilee, the next year we expect guests from abroad, and today we have celebration in the family circle. So to speak, the relatives are coming to the festivity. However, it seems to me, and that feeling keeps on growing as the years pass, that the most valuable moments of my life are those spent with the people I love, bound to me only with a feeling of friendship and nice and honest intentions.

Therefore, this anniversary, when we celebrate 104 years of the existence of our Office, is just like that, and as all other celebrations so far, brings pleasant emotions of gathering with the old acquaintances bound together by the same job and numerous nice memories. We are now together again, dear friends, as many times before.”

Director Marić expressed his gratitude to the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia for the organization of this festivity, since the premisses of the Office are under construction at the moment:

“The celebration of the Day of the Intellectual Property Office could not have been organized at the address of 5, Kneginje Lubice Street, because the reconstruction is under way. The building is being redecorated after many years and that is really exceptional benefit. I am grateful to the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the European Union, whose funds are used to finance the works.

Till the spring of 2025, the works on our building should be completed, and the working conditions shall be immaculate. To my mind, it has not been so bad so far, but after the reconstruction they shall be even better and more humane. In spite of the challenging circumstances, that the Office has faced for some time, our working results have not weakened.”

He also emphasized positive achievements in the protection of the rights of actors that had happened in the previous year:

“With great pleasure, I wish to emphasize that our collective organization protecting rights of actors for the first time this year, performed the distribution of royalties. To my mind, it is a step in the good direction.

Not only because it is meant to improve the economic position of those people. That is the outcome. More because it shows that our community, as a whole, improves for the better.

The respect of intellectual property is a reflection of the degree of civilization level of a particular society. Of one nation. Recognition belongs to all the business subjects in Serbia honestly paying that compensation to our authors and holders of related rights.”

Mr. Mihajlo Vesović, Director of the Sector for Strategic Analysis, Services and Internationalisation  of the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, in his opening address, stated the importance of the long-lasting tradition in the protection of intellectual property rights in Serbia:

“Tradition of 104 years of the existence of the Intellectual Property Office speaks for itself that we are indeed the economy that can boast the understanding what intellectual property means, and although during those 104 years, we found ourselves in various social circumstances, in pretty difficult situations, the worst of times were those when we did not respect intellectual property rights.

It seems to me, that in the previous 20 years, we have been advancing gradually and that can indeed be seen judging from the results. First of all, it is clear to us that the incentive for the growth of the investments is the direct effect of the activities of the Intellectual Property Office, resulting in the possibility to say that the innovations and investments are increasing and that the investments directly depend on the protection of IP rights, in particular foreign direct investments, since big brands do not go to countries notorious for not protecting intellectual property rights, so they do not invest there.

That may be the best part of our economy at this moment – 4.5 billion annual investments and the presence of all global brands that is also very important. The sign of the growth of intellectual property is the sign of growth of the sector contributing most to economy in the last 20 years – the sector of new technologies, IT, artificial intelligence and all things connected to it.

We can boast the export of 3.5 million annually, realized by the IT industries, in particular, and it grew from 2-3% to 12-13% of the total economy. It is a brilliant and very exact sign how intellectual property protection influences this field. Finally, when you come to the 8-9% of unemployment, it is clear to you that new investments and new employment may come from those fields that include high technologies, demanding highly educated people, with high degree of knowledge and that is just the point demonstrating how intellectual property gives the additional advantage to an economy.”

Mr. Bojan Žirović, President of the Assembly of the Actor’s Organization of Serbia (AOS), in his speech, emphasized the importance of the beginning of the payment of royalties by the AOS to their members:

“The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia, on October 11, 2021, passed a decision adopting, for the period of five years, the request of the Actor’s Organization of Serbia and issued the permission for the performance of activities of the collective realization of the rights of performers personally engaged in the performance in the framework of a certain drama, dramatic and musical, cinematographic or television work.

The work on the adoption of the distribution plan followed, the elaboration of the website, enabling the users of right to register and classify their works, along with a lot of other things, resulting in the first payment of royalties by the AOS, at the beginning of August of 2024.

Until October 31, 2024, a total of 420 holders of rights were paid. In the effort to meet the needs of all the holders of rights to the maximum effect, in the daily communication with them, at the end of November, another 119 performers were paid, who registered their performances in the period August – September 2024. In spite of the problems during the payments to the non-residents, AOS, till November 22, 2024, paid off nine non-residents that are AOS members.”

He also expressed gratitude to the help that the state offered for the realization of this goal:

“I feel very well because the state recognized the problem of one endangered group, offered the possibility to solve that problem, and provided support for the solution of that problem. I am happy, because we, as a trade, recognized the common interest, gathered and joined forces to realize our right. I am proud because we are one of the exceptional organizations in Europe, and in the region quite so. When I shoot something out of Serbia, colleagues draw my attention in particular to that and they speak about Serbian actors with respect.

I am proud that our distribution plan is created in such a way that nobody is underrated, disregarded, and we all adopted the idea to give the considerable amount of money into Solidarity Fund, so that we are able to help colleagues in trouble. I am happy that the right from our works shall be at the disposal of our heirs. And I believe that on the wave of this victory, we shall go further asking the solution for the problems of our profession, position on the market, conditions for work and so forth.”

Mr. Goran Jović, Director of the Regional Chamber of Commerce Leskovac, emphasized in his speech the importance that the indications of geographical origin have for the local development of Leskovac and the vicinity:

“We started with the grill from Leskovac back in the 2007, we protected homemade ajvar in 2011. International protection of homemade ajvar from Leskovac followed through the Lisbon Agreement in 2012. It is one of the four products for which we have international protection, according to the Lisbon Agreement.

I think that is not much, as Mr. Marić spoke, we should continue working on this agenda, working on the strong protection and protect all our products, because we had one period of vacuum when many countries in the region took over our products and had them protected before we did. However, we are trying to achieve successful protection and I believe we are efficient now.

When you see that people can live from your successful effort to let them protect their product, which may be 3-5 times more expensive on the market, that those people start living, that farms start expanding, that they become small entrepreneurs, micro-companies, even small companies and that it is all turning into serious business. That means that we have been successful in the effort to emphasize our cultural heritage and to slowly protect it, bearing in mind what is authentic for our areas. We had very good organization, a lot of goodwill and our first product to be protected was presented in Siena in their Chamber of Commerce.

We are proud of our actions and, of course, through various projects we had in the previous period, through the funds of the European Union, we succeeded to get leaders position for all brands, here in the south of Serbia. It is important not to be ashamed of what we have, it is important to promote what we have, to keep our quality, but not at the expense of quantity that must be increased, so the result shall not be missing.”

Radivoj Ćulum, from the agricultural estate Ćulum, stated his experience about the importance of the indication of geographical origin: “Cabbage from Futog” for the agriculture producers from Futog:

“Cabbage from Futog has lasted for 300 years in Futog. Since 1979, our company has been engaged in the production of sour cabbage. Sometime around 2002-2003, we got the idea to mark our products in a certain way. So, in cooperation with the Intellectual Property Office, around 2008, we certified our product for the first time.

In that whole story, we have been trying in the framework of the Association Sour Cabbage from Futog, to observe what other countries practice, so we used that experience and visited Italy and France, that have made significant progress and Switzerland as well. And we observed that those products that we have in Serbia may be branded and as such exist in this region so that we may stimulate producers engaged in their production.”

Awards of the World Intellectual Property Organization were presented to the winners by Vladimir Marić, Director of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia.

The WIPO National Award for Inventors, in the category of inventors or group of inventors for patents that are valid and have practical use and proved success on the market was presented to prof, Aleksandra Ivetić, PhD, that realized protection of patent no RS 65548 for the invention under the title “Silage stabilizers”. Invention is protected by a patent, offers safe and efficient manner of the preservation of silage from harmful oxidation by air and creates a safe environment for the development of lactic acid bacteria. The application of this innovative additive has its own position on the market that has the tendency to develop in the forthcoming period. Cooperation agreements have been signed with several companies in the country and abroad, dealing with the production and commercialization of additives.

Aleksandra Ivetić spoke about the award and her invention:

“Allow me to express my gratitude for receiving this prestigious award. It is a great honour and pleasure for me as an inventor. These are moments to be remembered, because we, as inventors, are lonely most of the time during our work. We keep our focus on ourselves and some creative energy, hoping to see the result and that such an outcome will become spiritus movens improving the society even for the tiniest bit.”

The  WIPO National Award for Enterprises, in the category for domestic legal entity or domestic entrepreneur for the economic application of industrial property went to the company “Perfect Body Shine” from Belgrade owned by Jasmina Momčilović Nikolić. This company deals with the production and sale of cosmetic apparatuses that without invasion and efficiently solve the challenging esthetic needs of the face and body. The innovative design and technology for these apparatuses are protected both on the national and international level. The company “Perfect Body Shine” has been chosen to represent Serbia on the exhibition organized in July 2023 in Geneva at the seat of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Jasmina Momčilović Nikolić, the owner of the company, in her emotional speech, emphasized the importance of protection of quality products:

“I had an aim when I entered this whole project, and it was to protect all my products, to use patent protection, to make them recognizable as Serbian products, as they really are, 95% of the product are of Serbian origin and everything is hand-made. I wished everything to be protected, posh and to enable us in Serbia to present our activities in a luxurious way. Reactions from the world came accordingly. Everybody was fascinated by this whole project.”

The National Award for Creativity, in the category for an author for monograph/study exhibition with a catalogue in the field of social and humanistic sciences was presented to Slobodan Antonić, PhD, full-time professor of the Faculty of Philology of Belgrade University for the book Colonial (anti) Education. Professor Antonić, in the award-winning book examines the crisis of the education system bent under bureaucratic pressures observing education system just as expenditure of social wealth and not as a continual creation and he offers a critical insight into influences of globalisation on the Serbian education system. The conclusion is that good education should always have priority in relation to all other social activities, and in that context the existential importance of intellectual property protection should best be understood.

Professor Slobodan Antonić emphasized two basic ideas from his book:

“I would like to express my gratitude to the jury and the Office for recognising and rewarding two basic ideas contained in this book. The first relates to our school system, our education, our need to first recognize the good points in it. Namely, we have the so-called paradox of reform, meaning that we continually discuss what the education is like, how it must be reformed and we continually reform it in waves, and that very education, that schooling produces top scientists and experts exceptionally valued in the world. How is it possible that such an education and schooling system, a cause of our dissatisfaction that must be continually reformed, may give such good results? First we must distinguish what is good from what is bad, and that is one of the ideas of this book.

And the other idea concerns the media itself, the book as the media. We have a problem, and that problem may be that the generations of students who read and enjoy reading are leaving, while generations having problem with the book as a media are coming.”

The award WIPO National Award for Schoolchildren, in the category of pupils or group of high school pupils for an invention, was presented to Miloš Radulović, student of the Mechanical Engineering and Traffic School in Čačak, who, as of this year, is a student at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad, with the invention Solar Tracker Systems and Storage of Renewable Energy – HHO Generator. Miloš Radulović is the winner of numerous awards in the field of innovation, including the first prize for the research work at the national competition of talented high school students in Čačak, in the month of May of this year. The invention of solar tracking systems with renewable storage of energy (Solar Tracker and HHO Generator) solves the problem of the efficiency of solar panels that optimally use solar energy for tracking the Sun along certain axes. The solution defined in this way offers a higher level of output energy compared to static mounting of solar panels, and as such solves the problem of cheap storage of renewable energy.

Miloš Radulović emphasized in his address:

“I would like to thank the professors who inspired me to create the entire project. We had a competition where we had to create a project that would use completely green energy, and my idea was to use something that is already green, that being solar panels and to improve the system by some 20-30%. With the addition of using HHO generators for the system, we can extract the energy obtained and store it better than batteries can do.”

In cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), an award was also presented to the domestic legal entity with the highest frequency of use of the international trademark registration system during 2023 – the WIPO National Award for WIPO Users. This award went to the company “MAXIMA D.O.O. Dragiše Mišovića 16, 32240 Lučani”, which had the largest number of internationally registered trademarks in 2024 in comparison to all domestic legal entities.

Mirjana Perović, sales director for Belgrade and Vojvodina, from the company MAXIMA d.o.o. spoke about the importance of international protection of products using trademarks:

“We started with the daily production of 5 tons, after 30 years we have a daily production of 1000 tons, we have annual revenue of 80 million euros and more than 300 employees. In addition to the domestic market, and the market in the region, implying countries of the former Yugoslavia, we also sell a lot of products on the European market, in Italy, France, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Sweden, Malta and Cyprus, where without trademarks and investment in our brands our export would not be possible in such a quantity.

Our investment in intellectual property speaks of our ambition to expand our business even further. We think that all companies should protect their trademarks on time, as they worked on them for many years, because the brand we posses and the reputation we have are our greatest assets.”

The ceremony continued with a cocktail party and the announcement of the exhibition “Guardians of Innovation” about the first Serbian patents, which opens on December 12 at 6 p.m. in the  Museum of Science and Technology, 51, Skenderbegova Street in Belgrade.

This exhibition of the first Serbian patents, recognized by the Administration for Industrial Property, was planned to take place in 2021, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the recognition of the first Serbian patent, but for well-known reasons related to the epidemic, it was not realized then. The public will be able to see the prototypes of Serbian patents from the first few years of existence of the Industrial Property Administration, whose successor is the Intellectual Property Office.

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The Intellectual Property Office invites all the interested persons to file applications, ending with 17. 05. 2024. for the passing of the expert examination for the distinctive signs representatives
The fifth conference about court practices in the field of intellectual property rights – applications till April 22, 2024
In the organization of the Board of Appeals of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), on April 29 and 30, 2024, the fifth “IP Case Law Conference” shall take place
Thematic Session of the Parliament of economists in the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Kruševac about the intellectual property rights
The representatives of the IPO held lectures about the importance and strategy of IP rights protection in business, with the introduction relating to various rights
Master program on intellectual property law in China
IPO invites suitable candidates who are employed in the intellectual property sector, have more than two years of working experience in the field of intellectual property, at least a university degree resulting from a four-year program, are fluent in English and not older than 40 years
Enforcement of IP laws
Criminal charges against the sale of fake parfums and clothes over the Internet
The Police employees from the Department for Fighting against High Technology Crime and trade inspectors of the Ministry of Internal and Foreign Trade in cooperation with the Special Prosecutor`s Office seized on March 29, 2024 fake parfums and clothes
EPO Patent Index for 2023 is published
The European Patent Office (EPO) has recently published Patent Index for 2023, which represents the survey of the filed patent applications for the protection of inventions by European patent and survey of the granted European patents by the European Patent Office
Visit of the high delegation of the China National Intellectual Property Administration
The Intellectual Property Office had the opportunity, on March 22, 2024, to welcome the six members of the delegation of the China National Intellectual Property Administration, the largest national office for intellectual property
Lecture for the students of the Faculty of Forestry
Active interaction and discussion among the professors, students and lecturers contributed to the better understanding of this complex system
Session of the Parliament of Businessmen held in the Regional Chamber of Commerce Zaječar with the lectures on the topic of intellectual property
During the session of the Parliament of Businessmen, lectures and discussions were held at the topic “The Role of Intellectual Property in the Branding of Agricultural and Food Products”
Awarding certificates for old and artistic handicraft manufacturing
On February 27, 2024, in the Palace of Serbia, 110 festive certificates were awarded in the domain of traditional crafts, old and artistic handicraft and enterprises of domestic manufacture
Ninth session of discussions at the WIPO on the topic “Training the Machines – Bytes, Rights and the Copyright Conundrum” – March 13-14
This event represents a unique opportunity to deepen the understanding of the complex relationship between the data used by the systems of artificial intelligence and intellectual property
“Honey from Rtanj Mountain” obtained the first authorized user
The individual producers, through the certification, confirmed the geographical origin, as well as the guaranteed quality and specific features the “Honey from Rtanj Mountain” which they produce
Seminar on patents at the Faculty of Chemistry of Belgrade University
The seminar was held in the framework of the Program for establishment and development of innovation incubators in the R&D organizations in the Republic of Serbia implemented by the Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovations
Serial of the webinars dedicated to patent protection
During March, April and May, six webinars will be held during which participants will learn about the most important topics related to the protection of inventions
Enforcement of IP laws
Challenges of Internet Shopping
As St. Valentine Day – the day of lovers – comes closer, the Intellectual Property Office invites all citizens to be very careful while shopping on the Internet
Lime Tree Honey from Fruška Gora – Sweet Present of the Mountain of Fruška Gora
Do you know what are the characteristics of the “Lime Tree Honey from Fruška Gora” whose geographical origin has been protected?
Enforcement of IP laws
Support film artists, say no to piracy
The Intellectual Property Office appeals to all the citizens to withhold from the acts enabling unlawful public communication of the film “Sunday” and to support thus our film industry
DesignEuropa Awards 2024: Applications till March 15, 2024
The public competition is open for all holders of right on industrial design who protected their design for the territory of the EU through EUIPO, providing it is sold on the market and which also satisfies all other propositions of the competition
Serbia – country of honey with the protected geographical origin
Observing the total number of registered trademarks with the geographical indication, the Republic of Serbia could compare with the most successful EU member states in this category
The Intellectual Property Office at the Fair Agro Belgrade 2024
Agro Belgrade 2024, held on January 25 – 27, 2024 in Belgrade, and all interested exhibiters and visitors shall be able, at the stall of the IPO in the Hall 2 of the Belgrade Fair, to get information about the protection of intellectual property rights
WIPO Global Awards 2024 for companies and startups – nominations till March 31, 2024
The nominations are open for business companies that are active in all sectors of economy, as well as those from the creative industries, local and international brands, innovators in green technologies
Register your team till February 1st, 2024 for the Program Smart Start
The participants in the program have at their disposal non-repayable funds of 5.4 million dinars per individual project and the Fund offers financing to ambitious teams up to 90% of the expenses of the total budget of the program
Exhibition in the seat of the WIPO of the traditional products made by the women in the CEBS region
We are proud that Serbia had a representative in this program and we hope that the connection and exchange of experiences in this field, with women from the region, shall contribute to the expansion of the traditional Serbian products recognizability
Lužnička vurda – dairy treasure from Lužnica
Have you tried the unique milk product originating from the Lužnica valley? “Lužnička vurda” is geographical indication of origin registered in the course of 2023 in the Intellectual Property Office
Competition “World Intellectual Property Day 2024 Youth Video Competition”
Competition” for the best video recording on the topic “With Intellectual Property we can dream about better future, transform our ideas into reality and create the world of progress for everybody.”
Enforcement of IP laws
Prevented sale of fake parfums over the internet
The Police employees from the Department for Fighting Against High Technological Crime, in cooperation with the Special Prosecution Office for High Technological Crime, seized fake parfums
36th Meeting of the Kopaonik School of Natural Law
The experts of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia, that attended this event, presented two expert works from the field of patent law, in the framework of the IV cathedra – Right to Intellectual Creation
Intellectual Property Rights in doing business – RAREI
On Thursday, December 14, 2023, in the premises of the Reginal Agency for Development and European Integrations Belgrade (RAREI), a lecture was held on the protection of intellectual property rights in doing business and development of innovations
Seminar held for the Association of Creators and Innovators INOVA in Bečej
Lectures were held about the intellectual property rights, which can assist the entrepreneurs in business with the special focus on patents, in particular in the field of general technique
EUIPO “EMPACT” Workshop about crime in the field of intellectual property
Workshop lasting for two days in the framework of the EMPACT project of the European Union Intellectual Property Office – EUIPO was held in the Intellectual Property Office during December 6 and 7, 2023
Triumph of tastes with the protected geographical origin
At the lately organized 17th Fair of ethno- food and beverages, among the awarded producers, we may also find the producers of products with the protected geographical indication
BEKOP Conference about intellectual property rights
On Friday, December 1, 2023 in the Intellectual Property Office, a conference was held: “Modern challenges in the IP law”
The Office participates at the 17th Fair of Ethno-food and beverages in Belgrade
All the interested exhibitors and visitors, at the stall of the IPO, in the Hall 2 of the Belgrade Fair shall be able to get information about the protection of intellectual property rights
The platform CLIP started working!
From now on, at one place, there are all the information about the intellectual property rights that are of importance for musical industry
Pandora Conference
The Pandora conference of importance for the video game industry was held in Belgrade, as an integral part of the Data Science and AI conference
The visit of the students of the Faculty of Machine Engineering to the IPO
On Thursday, November 23, 2023, the IPO was visited by the students of the final year of the master studies from the Faculty of Machine Engineering of Belgrade University
Seminar held in the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” in Belgrade
In the premises of the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković” in Belgrade, on November 20, the experts of the IPO held a seminar under the title: “Protection of Inventions by Patent and Search of Patent Documentation”
Seminar “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmacy”
On Saturday, November 18, a seminar was held for the students of specialized studies from the department “Industrial Pharmacy” and PhD students of the Faculty of Pharmacy in Belgrade
Invitation for Expert Exam for Representatives
The Intellectual Property Office invites all interested parties, ending with 13. 12. 2023. to submit applications for the passing of expert exam
Notes of Gratitude presented to the Intellectual Property Office
The Intellectual Property Office was awarded Notes of Gratitude by the Regional Chamber of Economy from Leskovac and the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Čačak
WIPO Workshop for mediation and arbitration from 28 to 30 November 2023.
In the framework of the Workshop, the participants shall be closely informed about the procedures of mediation and arbitration
Celebration of the 103rd Anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office
In the course of the manifestation celebrating the anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office, the awards of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) for 2023 were presented for five categories of creativity
The first guide about intellectual property for start-ups from Serbia
The first publication of this type for startups in Serbia was presented on November 14, 2023 in the Science-Technology Park Belgrade
Principles of Common Practice EU – CP10
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia successfully cooperates with the EUIPO in harmonizing EU Principles of Common Practice in trademarks and designs field
“Honey from the Đerdap Gorge” – the sweetest product from the busy bees from the district of Đerdap
Apiculture Association “The Town of Golubac” from Golubac is the authorized user of the geographical indication “Honey from Đerdap” and it has recently been entered in the register of the authorized users kept at the IPO
Competition for the allotment of significant funds for the protection of indications of geographical origin
The funds have been envisaged for the co-financing up to 70% of support from the paid amount for the realized investments, reduced for the amount of funds on the name of the VAT
Lecture on inventions implemented on computers
On Wednesday, November 1, 2023, for the students of the Faculty of Technical Sciences from the city of Čačak, a lecture was held “Inventions implemented on the computer”
WIPO Award in the framework of manifestation „Flower of Success for the Dragon Woman“
The award for the business women applying successfully intellectual property in their business was presented to the company “Perfect Body Shine” from Belgrade, owned and directed by Jasmina Momčilović Nikolić
Lecture for the students of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences
On Tuesday, October 31, 2023, were given lecture at the topic “Protection of Intellectual Property in Information Technologies”
Only a bee enables that in one drop of honey from Tara we may get to know the spirit of the mountain of Tara
Have you tried “Honey from Tara?” Do you know what kind of honey it is?
Regional Seminar on the rights of audiovisual authors
The seminar was attended by the representatives of the organizations for the collective administration of the rights on audiovisual works and government bodies engaged in the supervision over the work of the mentioned organizations in the countries of the region
EPO User Day 2023
EPO User Day, organized by the European Patent Office (EPO), is held in on line format on October 25 and 26 2023, with the beginning at 9 a.m
“Tesla Fest 2023” held in Novi Sad
In Novi Sad, from October 12-15, 2023, the 37th International Festival of Innovations, Knowledge and Creativity – Tesla Fest 2023” was held in the organization of the Association of Inventors of Vojvodina
Power of creativity: Central European and Baltic States (CEBS) as an example
In the context of the CEBS region, Serbia deserves special attention due to its dynamic and quickly growing industry of video games
50 years of the European Patent Convention
The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the European Patent Convention was held on October 5th, 2023 in Munich, the Hague and Vienna, where the premises of the European Patent Organization (EPO) are situated
Caution while shopping counterfeited goods
The results of the recent action of the Ministry for Internal Affairs, the Trade Inspectorate and the Public Prosecutor`s Office indicated the seriousness of the problem of the trade with counterfeited products
Apply before October 11, 2023 for the acceleration program “Raising Starts”
This program represents important opportunity for the teams that have just been founded to get the necessary streamlining regarding development and access to the market
Fifty years of the European Patent Convention
The program includes sessions dedicated to the inspirational inventors, expert round tables where discussions will be organized how inclusive innovation contributes to the more sustainable world, and ceremony of the presentation of awards to the winners of the artistic competition for children
The Intellectual Property Office participated in the manifestation “European Night of Explorers 2023
On the first day of the manifestation, the Office represented the fourth page of the “Treasure Hunt”, where the interested visitors came to protect their invention by a “patent”
Serbia in the Global Innovation Index (GII) in 2023
Serbia, according to the new Global Innovation Index 2023, published on September 27, 2023, has been ranked on the 53rd place, which is an improvement for two places in comparison to the 55th place in 2022.
Intellectual Property Rights in the Belgrade Chamber of Commerce and Industry
After the introductory addresses of the representatives of the organizers, the experts of the Intellectual Property Office, along with the participants from economy and various institutions, represented the system of protection of intellectual property
Lecture held at the Institute for Medical Research
Special accent was given for the inventions from biotechnology and medicine and the manner of making lists of sequences was shown in the new WIPO sequence tool
Lectures in the framework of Competition for the selection of the best technological innovation in 2023
These lectures, in an online format, were held with the aim and wish to make the concept of intellectual property protection understandable for all interested parties
Importance of Indications of Geographical Origin for the consumers and businessmen in Serbia
Why is it important to understand what the products protected by the geographical indication of origin represent? Find out in the original article written by Mr. Vladimir Marić, Director of the Intellectual Property Office
Participation of the representative of the IPO at the CoCoNet annual meeting and the Design Europa Awards 2023 presentation ceremony
The meeting participants had the opportunity to attend the Design Europa Awards presentation ceremony
Master Program on Intellectual Property Law in China
China’s National Intellectual Property Administration - CNIPA invited the Intellectual Property Office to propose candidates for Master Program
Conference “Challenges of Protecting Her Innovation – Together Towards Success”
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia and the European Patent Office, with the support of the Association of Business Women of Serbia, organize the Conference "Challenges of Protecting Her Innovation - Together Towards Success" that will be held on May 8 2023, at Belgrade’s Hotel „Moskva“
The Annual Report of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia
The Annual Report 2021 about the activities of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia in 2022 has been published
A new newsletter – CEBS Women
The Newsletter will serve to present projects and programs undertaken by the 19 member countries of the CEBS Group that aim to promote women innovators, scientists and entrepreneurs
Lecture at the University for Criminology
In addition to the presentation about the competencies of the IPO and the system of IP rights protection, a special part of the lecture was presented to the infringement of IP rights
A serial of webinars dedicated to patent protection
During March and April, four online seminars will be held during which participants will learn about the most important topics related to the protection of inventions
Seminar on trademarks and Indications of Geographical Origin
The Seminar was attended also by numerous representatives of advocate offices and representatives for intellectual property rights, as well as participants from industry
Assistant Director of the IPO chairs the 16th session of the Working Group for the development of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)
Ms. Aleksandra Mihailović, Asst. Director for the Patent Sector of the IP Office is the chair of the 16th session of the Working Group for the development of the Patent Cooperation Treaty
“World IP Day 2023 Video Competition” for creators of video contents – applications until March 19, 2023
Record your video clip (not longer than 90 seconds) on the topic: “When women enter the IP universe, we accelerate innovation and creativity and everyone is a winner”
Entrepreneurship Ideas – Guide on Intellectual Property for Startups
Check out the new publication, learn how startups can use intellectual property to stay competitive and understand the risks of neglecting its importance in business
Public hearing about the new Law on Copyright and Related Rights started today
From January 30 to February 19, 2023, a public hearing on the new Copyright and Related Rights Act is being held
Apply for the Pan-European Seal Professional Traineeship program
This program offers unique opportunity to develop careers and get experience in the multicultural environment
Program Smart Start – support for the development of the first prototype
The Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia invites advanced teams and micro companies to apply for the non-refundable means for the development of their first prototype in the framework of the program Smart Start
WIPO Global Awards 2023 – applications until March 31, 2023
The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) invites small and medium enterprises from the whole world to apply for the program WIPO Global Awards 2023
Happy holidays!
The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia wishes you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!
New 39th Newsletter of the Education and Information Centre
The new 39th number of the Newsletter of the Education and Information Centre of the Intellectual Property Office has been issued.
Seminar for the students of doctorate and master studies of the Faculty of Agriculture
The seminar under a title “Protection of Inventions by Patent in the Field of Food Technology” included lecture on the protection of inventions by a patent as well as a workshop for the search in the Espacenet database
Laws and regulations
The Law on the Amendments of the Law on the Republic Administrative Fees
On the December 12, 2022, in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, the Law on the Amendments of the Law on the Republic Administrative Fees (“Official Gazette RS”, No. 138/22) was published and it enters into force on December 20, 2022.
BEKOP Conference on the intellectual property rights
The participants had the opportunity to meet the modern challenges and understand the system of the protection of legislation in the domain of intellectual property, bearing in mind that it could be their future professional orientation
Lecture on IP protection in Science and Technology Park Čačak and Science and Technology Park Niš
In the course of the lectures, it has been pointed out how important it is to protect innovations by different IP rights, in particular those in the key phases of development
Visit of the students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering to the IPO
On Thursday, December 8, 2022, the Office was visited by the students of the final year of the master studies from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the framework of the subject “Technical regulations and standards”
The third invitation for the Raising Starts support program for startups in the earliest phases of development
Apply and secure expert and financial support for your startup, prepare for further investments and global growth!
WIPO Online Workshop on National IP Strategy Development and Implementation
The workshop is being held in an online format via the Zoom platform, on Wednesday, December 7, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and the language of the event is English
Regional Symposium about Indications of Geographical Origin
The representative of the Intellectual Property Office participated at the Regional Symposium about the Indications of Geographical Origin held in the period 24-25. 11. 2022, in Antalya in the Republic of Turkey
Seminar “Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmacy”
For the students of specialist studies from the department “Industrial Pharmacy” and students of doctorate studies of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Belgrade University, on Sunday, November 27, 2022, a seminar was held
Seminar in the Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovic” in Belgrade
Experts from the Office on November 22, 2022, held a seminar under s title “Protection of inventions by patent and patent documentation search”
WIPO Regional Seminar on Computer Implemented Inventions (CII)
The Virtual Regional Seminar on Patentability of Computer Implemented Inventions (CII) to be held on Thursday, 8 December 2022
Celebration of the 102nd anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia
During the Office's anniversary event, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) awards for 2022 were awarded in five categories of creativity
WIPO award in the framework of the manifestation “Success Flower for Dragon Woman”
The WIPO award was delivered to the company of entrepreneur Ljiljana Matković at the "Flower of Success for the Dragon Woman" event on November 9, 2022
Celebration of the 102nd anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office – Live
Follow the transmission live on Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 13.00 p.m. on our You Tube channel where you can see the program of the event
Invitation for expert examination for representatives
The Intellectual Property Office invites all the interested parties to file applications, at the latest till 12.12.2022, for the passing of expert examination
Lecture for the students of the Faculty of Organization Sciences
During the lecture, special focus was given by the lecturers from the IPO on the protection of specific intellectual property rights in the process of innovation development
WIPO Workshop on Mediation
The workshop was opened by Ms Heike Wollgast, Head of the IP Disputes Section of the WIPO ADR Center, Mr Vladimir Marić, Director of the IPO, and Mr Mladen Vukmir, well-known mediator
Winners of the competition of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
The competition for the presentation of the WIPO awards has been conducted for 2022
Fair of Students` Expert Apprenticeship in the Bodies of Public Administration
Public administration offers to students of five state universities an opportunity to attend, in the course of the academic year 2022/2023, expert apprenticeship in one of the 56 bodies of public administration
Apply until November 15, 2022 for the grant of non-repayable funds from 80,000 to 300,000 Euros
Fund for Innovation Activities announced a public invitation for the grant of non-repayable funds for innovative companies and teams
WIPO online Mediation and Arbitration Workshop 8 – 10 november 2022
The program will consist of presentations, panel discussions and Q&A on substantive components of international mediation and arbitration
Video recordings from the Seminar „Leveling UP your IP: Strategies for Videogame Developers“
Look at the video recordings of all sessions of the Seminar on our You Tube channel on the following link
Conference on Innovations – Tesla Fest 2022
On the second day of the 36th International Festival of Innovations, Knowledge and Creativity – Tesla Fest, in the organization of the Association of Inventors of Vojvodina, a Conference on Innovations was held
Continuation of cooperation with the Institute of Electrical Engineering Nikola Tesla about education of employees in the field of intellectual property protection
On Tuesday, October 11, 2022, a workshop has been organized including the search of patent documentation in the data base Espacenet
Securing Serbia’s cultural heritage: the case of “Kilim of Pirot”
Products that bear a geographical indication of origin owe their special characteristics to the locality in which they are produced. They are the fruit of the traditions crafted over centuries by people from a specific location who have transferred their knowledge and skills across generations.
Study visit of the delegation of the Intellectual Property Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina
The aim of the visit was the exchange and transfer of experience regarding the services offered by the Intellectual Property Office
Assistant Director of the Office precedes at the 15th session of the Working Group for the Development of the Patent Cooperation Treaty
Aleksandra Mihailovic, Assistant Director of the Patent Sector in the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia, at the proposal of the Central European and Baltic States Regional Group (CEBS) is Chair at the Meeting
WIPO Eon Agrofood Webinar Series – Series of webinars from Friday, October 7, 2022
Interactive sessions shall be held every Friday starting from October 7, 2022, focusing on the experiences of experts from agro-technology and food industry
European Researchers Night 2022
A great number of visitors in the Office, on Friday, September 30, 2022, took place in the „Treasure Hunt“, and some of them composed their first patent applications
Event dedicated to patent information: EPO Patent Knowledge Week from October 4 to 7, 2022
Depending on the topic and field of interest, you can choose the session that you wish to follow in order to broaden your knowledge
The Office participates in the manifestation “European Researches` Night”
The visitors may see the permanent exhibition “Famous Serbian Researchers”, about the scientists that changed our lives with their inventions and participate in the “Treasure Hunt”
Seminar on patents for the employees in the Institute for Electrical Engineering Nikola Tesla in Belgrade
Special accent was laid on the inventions implemented in computers and the specific characteristics connected to patent protection
WIPO Program for Young Experts – applications till October 5, 2022
This career camp of a kind represents an opportunity to further develop and improve young and talented individuals that already have basic knowledge in the domain of IP rights protection
International seminar “Leveling UP your IP: Strategies for Videogames Developers”
Renowned world and domestic experts from the industry of video games, as well as IP experts, addressed the audience listening to presentations in the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry or via the Internet
Competition for the World Intellectual Property Organization Awards – applications till October 10, 2022
The candidates for the awards can apply personally or at the proposal of the natural or legal person in the four categories of competition
Leveling UP your IP: Strategies for Videogame Developers
Take advantage of the unique opportunity and register to participate in the international seminar, which will be held on Thursday, September 22, in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia starting at 9 AM
Financial and infrastructure support for innovation activities
Have a look at the on line publication of the Service for Innovations of the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Serbia, the one place where all aspects of financial and infrastructure support to innovation activities in Serbia are available
Apply for the participation at the Global Invention Forum
Global Invention Forum is held this year from October 18-19. 2022, at Grand Resort Hotel in the town of Limassol (Republic of Cyprus) and you can apply till September 17, 2022.
WIPO Conversation “Frontier technologies – AI Inventions”
Sixth session of the WIPO Conversation “Frontier technologies – AI Inventions”, will take place on September 21 and 22, 2022.
Information about the list of sequences in compliance with ST.26 for the filing of patent applications in the Republic of Serbia
Office passed “Manual for the filing of patent application in the domain of biotechnology” containing information important for the preparation of list of sequences in XML format
WIPO Special Award in the Framework of the Manifestation “Success Flower for the Dragon Woman”
The aim of the competition is to stimulate female entrepreneurs to use the system of industrial property protection in their business activities and it lasts from August 10 to September 30
Apply to get support for innovative companies through “Catapult Program”
Katapult provides an intensive three-month mentoring program and financial support in the form of grants from EUR 20,000 to EUR 50,000
New 38th number of the EIC Bulletin
The new, 38th number of the Bulletin of the Education and Information Center of the Intellectual Property Office has been issued.
WIPO General Assembly – 63 serial of meetings
From July 14-22, 2022, at the seat of the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva, the 63rd serial of meetings of the General Assembly of the WIPO member states is held
WIPO Global Awards 2022 – Tuesday, July 19, 2022
The program “WIPO Global Awards” is part of the WIPO mission to secure environment for the development of innovations and creativity, supported by intellectual property rights, for the benefit of all parties
World Industrial Design Day – June 29
Today, we celebrate the World Industrial Design Day. Appealing design not only gives special stylish impression, but also helps the product to be conspicuous on the market
Regional webinar “The Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks (STLT) and Recent Challenges for Trademark Rights”
WIPO on Tuesday, June 28, organizes regional webinar at the topic "The Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trademarks (STLT) and Recent Challenges for Trademark Rights"
Master Program “Intellectual Property and New Technologies” 2022/2023
The contents of this unique master program focuses on the most challenging issues referring to the intellectual property and new technologies
Principles of Common Practice EU – CP4
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia successfully cooperates with the EUIPO in harmonizing EU Principles of Common Practice in trademarks field
Celebration on the occasion of the presentation of awards for the European Inventor of the Year – Tuesday, June 21, 2022
The viewers shall have the opportunity to find out more about the inventors who discovered ingenious solutions for some of the most important contemporary problems
Webinar about the beginning of the new standard of the World Intellectual Property Organization WIPO ST.26 implementation
Different information presented at the webinar are important for the drafting of the patent applications referring to the inventions in the field of biotechnology
“Bing Bang Date” for the implementation of ST.26 Standard
The new ST.26 Standard for the display of the list of nucleotide and amino-acid sequences in the patent application enter into force on July 1, 2022.
Webinars for teams participating in the competition for the Best Technological Innovation
The cooperation between the Intellectual Property Office and the organizers of the Best Technological Innovation continued through trainings intended for the teams to recognize and protect relevant intellectual property rights
Visit of the delegation from Montenegro to the Intellectual Property Office
The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia, from 19-20 May 2022, was visited by the delegation from the Ministry of Finance of Montenegro, and Directorate for Intellectual Property
WIPO webinar on the gender gap in the field of intellectual property
This webinar shall enable the gathering of all the interested parties which are active in the ecosystem of innovations, with the aim to raise awareness about the existence of this problem
EPO Unitary Patent IT Workshop
The participants of the workshop shall be in a position, through practical examples, to get to know the procedure for filing request for the unitary effect of the European patent
Webinar of the Office about the new WIPO standard ST.26 – Thursday, June 9, 2022.
The purpose of the new standard is to enable the applicant to compose a list of sequences described in the patent application in the field of biotechnology
WIPO symposium on trade secrets and innovations in 2022
The different aspects of the implementation of the trade secret protection shall be discussed and the symposium in the hybrid format will be held on May 23 and 24, 2022.
Webinar held “How to protect invention abroad”
After brief reminder what patent is, and the introduction of the concept of priority right, the participants got acquainted with the possible routes of protection abroad
Webinar “How to Protect Invention Abroad?”
The aim of the webinar is to provide the basic information about the possible manners of patent protection outside the borders of the Republic of Serbia
The Grand Prix of the Salon Archimedes awarded
The Intellectual Property Office was awarded Grand Prix of the International Innovations Club “Archimedes”
The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia celebrated the World Intellectual Property Day
Various programs have been presented dealing with support to innovations, intended for start-ups and the young inventors, as well as innovations created by young teams, winners of various funds
World Intellectual Property Day – April 26, 2022
The event organized by the Intellectual Property Office in a hybrid format, on April 26, starting at 1:00 PM, can also be followed online via the Office's YouTube channel
The Annual Report of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia
The Annual report on the work of the Intellectual Property Office for 2021 has been published.
WIPO is organizing a Virtual Regional Seminar on Trade Secrets to take place on April 5, 2022
The objective of the event will be to raise awareness of trade secret protection in particular among legal professionals, government officials and the business sector
Master Program on Intellectual Property Law in China
China’s National Intellectual Property Administration - CNIPA invited the Intellectual Property Office to propose candidates for Master Program
Principles of Common Practice EU – CP9
Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia successfully cooperates with the EUIPO in harmonizing EU Principles of Common Practice in trademarks field
Laws and regulations
Law on the Amendments of the Patent Law
On December 15, 2021, in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia The Law on the Amendments of the Patent Law was published
Closing Conference of EU Twinning Project “Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the Republic of Serbia”
In the building of the National Parliament of the Republic of Serbia the Closing Conference was held
Celebration of the 101st anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia
Yesterday, we festively celebrated of the second century of the existence of the Intellectual Property Office.
Celebration of the 101st anniversary of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia – LIVE
Follow the live broadcast, on Monday, November 15, 2021, at 1:00 PM on the Office's YouTube channel
Apply till November 19, 2021 for the program for young experts of the World Intellectual Property Organization
Advanced training for on-line investigation held in the framework of Twinning Project
In the course of the previous week, in the premises of IPO “Advanced Training for On-Line Investigation “ was held
New big-bang date for the implementation of the ST.26 Standard for the display of the list of nucleotide and amino-acid sequences in the patent application
On October 4-8, 2021 in Geneva, it has been decided that the entry into force of the new WIPO Standard ST.26 should be postponed for July 1, 2022
Bilateral meeting with the WIPO Director General
On Thursday, October 7, 2021, at the seat of the WIPO in Geneva, a meeting was held between the delegation of the Republic of Serbia and the Director General of WIP
The 35th Tesla Fest is opened
Yesterday, the 35th Tesla Fest was festively opened as the international festival of innovations and creativity which is traditionally held on October 12-15 every year.
62 series of the WIPO General Assembly
The delegation of the Republic of Serbia has participated at the 62 series of meetings of the WIPO General Assembly
Competition for the Awards of the World Intellectual Property Organization – Applications till October 25, 2021
We are pleased to inform you that the competition for the WIPO Awards has been opened.
World Symposium about Indications of Geographical Origin and virtual exhibition presenting the products from Serbia
The World Symposium on Geographical Indications will be held online from September 6 to 8, 2021
Chongqing University of Technology – Innvitation for online seminar
We are pleased to inform you that within the initiative "One Belt One Road" from October 18 to November 19, 2021, an online seminar on innovation and intellectual property will be held, jointly organized by Chongqing University of Technology and the National National Training Center. Chongqing.
WIPO Conference on Intellectual Property in the Digital Economy
The World Intellectual Property Organization is organizing a Regional Conference on Intellectual Property.
Master Program 2020/2021 in Intellectual Property and New Technologies.
WIPO, in cooperation with the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland, is organizing the Master’s Degree Program in Intellectual Property and New Technologies.
Enforcement of IP laws
Principles of Common Practice EU – CP8
IPO successfully cooperates with EUIPO in harmonizing EU Principles of Common Practice.
Interesting facts
Honoring a pioneer in tissue engineering: Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic named Eurpean Inventor Award 2021 finalist
Every year, the prestigious awards of the European Patent Office for the inventor of the year are presented in several categories.
The Annual Report of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia
The Annual Report on the work of the Intellectual Property Office for 2020 has been published.
Master Program on Intellectual Property Law in China
China’s National Intellectual Property Administration - CNIPA invited the Intellectual Property Office again this year,
Pan-European Seal Program
As a member of the Pan European Seal Program network, the University of Belgrade was once again invited to nominate the best young experts.
WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
Webinar “Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) for Information Technologies (ICT) Disputes”
Application for the support program “Raising Starts”
Apply before January 25, 2021 and secure support for the fast development of the innovative idea.
The Intellectual Property Office issued a book “Short Survey of the Women Inventors in Serbia in the XX century”
In the honor of 100 years of its existence, the Intellectual Property Office published a book.
New program of support for start ups of the Scientific and Technological Park Belgrade
STP Belgrade opened an invitation for Raising Starts, new program of support which provides expert trainings and mentorship.
Film about 100 years of the Intellectual Property Office
On the occasion of the 100 years of the Intellectual Property Office, a short film was made in which you can get acquainted with the tradition of intellectual property protection in Serbia
Webinar EU Trademarks Law
A webinar on European Union trademark law was held on December 1st and 2nd.
Monograph “One hundred years of IPO”
IPO published a monograph in which the history of the work of the IPO since its founding, on November 15, 1920, is presented
Conference on 100 years of the Intellectual Property Office
The Intellectual Property Office marked 100 years of existence and work by holding an online conference.
Conference on the occasions of 100 years of the Intellectual Property Office
Join us in celebrating the 100th anniversary and watch it live on YouTube.
Enforcement of IP laws
Importance of design as intellectual property right for business – Stories from Serbian companies
The external image of a product is one of the key factors that attracts us to a product.
Celebration of the 100 years of the Intellectual Property Office
With great pleasure, we invite you to join us in the celebration of our jubilee – one hundred years of IPO
Enforcement of IP laws
Importance of trademark as intellectual property right for business – Stories from Serbian companies
How some of the Serbian companies use their trademark in business and how important is the protection of the trademark for the future of the company.
Webinar EU Copyright Law – Copyright protection in the digital era
A webinar on European copyright in the digital age was held on 28 and 29 October.
Enforcement of IP laws
Importance of patents as intellectual property rights from doing business – Stories from Serbian companies
This year, we shall celebrate 100 years of existence and work of the Intellectual Property Office.
Enforcement of IP laws
Principles of Common Practice EU – CP 5
The Office successfully cooperates with EUIPO in terms of harmonization of practice with the principles of practice of EU member states in the field of trademarks.
WIPO Mediation and Arbitration Workshop
We have a pleasure to announce that WIPO is organizing an online Mediation and Arbitration Workshop from 16 to 18 November 2020.
The high level meeting of the Europian Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the delegations of West Balkans
Virtual high-level meeting of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)
The 61st session of the general assembly of the WIPO
In the period 21-25 September 2020, the 61st session of the Assembly of the member states of the WIPO
WIPO Conference on the global digital content market
WIPO organizes on-line conference on the global market of digital content from September 16 – 18, 2020 at 13 p.m. to 15.30 p.m.
Serbia in Global Innovation Index 2020
Global Innovation Index (GII) is a project established in 2007 by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
On-line conference Intellectual Property and Internet
The Conference “Intellectual Property and Internet 2020” shall be held on September 4, 2020 with the beginning at 10 a.m.
Brochure “Serbia – Emerging tech development hub”
The new brochure: Serbia – Emerging tech development hub is available at:
Fighting pandemics COVID-19
Involvement of inventors and scientists in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic leads to the creation of new inventions
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) master “Intellectual Property and New Technologies” in Poland
We are pleased to inform you of the invitation of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Memorandum of Understanding between the IPO and the Visegrad Patent Institute concerning internationl patent applications was signed
The Intellectual Property Office and the Visegrad Patent Institute signed a memorandum of cooperation.
Interesting facts
10 July – Date of birth of Nikola Tesla and the Day of Science in Serbia
At today’s day, on 10 July 1856, in Smiljan, Nikola Tesla was born, and that day was proclaimed as the Day of Science in the Republic of Serbia.
Importnat information
In compliance with the health situation in the city of Belgrade, we ask all the users of our services to perform communication with the Office by telephone or post
The Agreement on Cooperation for enhancing of the use of Mediation in in Intellectual Property Disputes
Agreement on cooperation regarding the application of mediation in the field of intellectual property on May 28, 2020.
Webinar “Mediation under the WIPO Rules” – WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
A webinar will be organized within the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
Establishment of the online database of IP judgements – WIPO Lex-Judgments
WIPO has notified Member States that the current database of IP laws and treaties (WIPO Lex) is expanding.
Enforcement of IP laws
Data from the trademarks from Serbia – In the WIPO data base – Global brand database
WIPO – data are available for over 56,000 trademarks and trademark applications that are registered
Interesting facts
World Intellectual Property Day – April 26, 2020
Innovate for a green future!
The Annual Report of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia
The Annual Report of the Intellectual Property Office in 2019 has been published.
Important notice related to COVID-19
The Serbian Government has declared the national state of emergency due to the COVID -19 crisis.
Important notice on communication related to COVID-19
The Office is taking the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the infection.
Accession of the Republic of Serbia to the Marrakesh Treaty
On February 24, 2020, the instruments on the accession of the Republic of Serbia to the Marrakesh Treaty were deposited.
In memoriam – Blagota Žarković
On February 25th, 2020, a commemoration was held for the recently deceased, long-time Director of the IPO, Mr. Blagota Žarković.
Pan-European Seal Program
Belgrade University is invited to propose the best young experts for one-year Internship at both international organizations.
High level meeting of the coordination body
On Wednesday, 19 February 2020, in the premises of the Intellectual Property Office, a meeting lasting throughout the day was held
Laws and regulations
The Trademark Law and the Marrakesh Treaty to facilitate access
The Parliament of the Republic of Serbia passed today The Trademark Law and the Marrakesh Treaty