In the course of the previous week, in the premises of the Intellectual Property Office “Advanced Training for On-Line Investigation “ was held for the representatives of the Trade Inspectorate and other bodies having within their competence the enforcement of intellectual property rights.
The training was organized in the framework of the Twinning Project of the EU “Protection and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights” whose main beneficiary is the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications.
“Advanced Training for On-Line Investigation” lasted for five days and the participants had the opportunity to learn how to prepare, secure and analyze data in on-line investigations regarding counterfeited goods and then prepare appropriate report. This interactive training was held with numerous practical tasks in the course of which the participants got better acquainted with the use of the modern computer tools. This interesting workshop was held by the experts from Germany, chief detective and the head of the Group for the Suppression of Cyber Crime, Mr. Christian Martinek and the retired chief detective Mr. Harald Lennemann.