Have you tried the unique milk product originating from the Lužnica valley?
“Lužnička vurda” is geographical indication of origin registered in the course of 2023 in the Intellectual Property Office.
“Lužnička vurda” is soft cheese with permanent process of ripening that has homogenous, creamy – smearing consistence, smooth structure, white color, mildly acid milky fragrance with specific pleasant aroma, mildly acid milky taste, with prominent pleasant taste, not too salty or too acid and without the presence of bitterness.
“Lužnička vurda” is obtained from cow milk got from the meadows of Lužnička valley. On the basis of the analysis of quality it contains a minimum of 40% of milk fat in the dry matter, minimum of 3% of kitchen salt, minimum of 77% of water in the dry matter, pH value from 4 to 4.5% which is lower than the average values of similar products. (Sour milk has pH value 4.7)
The specific taste of “Lužnička vurda”, apart from the quality of milk, is stongly influenced by the temperature inversion of air that is characteristic for Lužnička valley. Great differences between day and night temperatures, that oscillate from 20 to 30 degrees Centigrade, influence the quality of product that is reflected through intersected process of ripening and fermentation, which gives the product a creamy structure, milder and more pleasant acid-milky taste. This product is consumed when it matures, or after 7 days spent in ripening (in the course of the summer period). For one kilogram of vurda, it is necessary to have 4 to 6 liters of milk.
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