The conference “Economic Aspects of Innovation: Patents as a Resource” was held on September 17, 2024 in the organization of the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia and the European Patent Office with the support of the Institute for Physics.
The conference was held at the hotel “Moscow” in Belgrade, with the presence of a great number of participants from the academic community. The aim of this conference was to emphasize the importance of patent protection and the IP economic value, in particular having in mind patents that come from scientific institutes, faculties and R&D institutions. These inventions, resulting from research and development in scientific institutions have great potential commercial value.
The central topics of the conference were the technology transfer and licensing as mechanisms that may help for the innovations to be successfully commercialized providing they are protected by patents.
Numerous lecturers from the academic community and institutions engaged in innovations and enterprising held speeches on patent protection and indicated the greatest challenges concerning the protection of scientific research by patents.
Special attention was attracted by Panel discussion that brought together both researchers from the scientific community and experts dealing with the support to innovations and giving assistance in the transfer of technology. The participants at the conference asked numerous questions and developed discussion on the manners of support to researchers in the transfer of technology and commercialization of the results of their research work at the market.