Program for young experts from the field of intellectual property has been initiated for the first time this year by the World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO. For the participation in this program it is possible for the candidates to apply till the 35 years of age and the applications may be sent till November 19, 2021.
Through this program, lasting for two years, that shall be implemented in the WIPO, Switzerland, young and talented experts shall gain knowledge not only how to understand technical aspects of the IP rights protection, but also how to enforce them in practice in order to realize certain impact for the progress of IPR protection in their countries of origin. This career camp, of a kind, represents opportunity for further development and gaining expertize for the benefit of young and talented individuals that already have basic knowledge from the field of IPR protection or are getting interested in this issue. More about the program and the opened positions can be seen on the WIPO page For all additional questions regarding this program, potential candidates may address the team in the WIPO for human resources by on-line CONTACT FORM.