Laws and Regulations(16 documents)
Copyright and Related Rights
The Law on Copyright and Related Rights
“Official Gazette of RS”, No. 104/09, 99/11, 119/12, 29/16-decision of Constitutional Court and 66/19
Regulation on the conditions to be fulfilled for the deposit of the copies of copyright protected works and subject matter of related rights, entry in the Register and deposit of copyright protected works and subject matter of related rights and the contents of the registration of deposited copyright protected works and subject matter of related rights with the competent authority
“Official Gazette RS”, No. 45/2010; since July 3, 2010; in force since July 11, 2010
Regulation on the establishment of the list of technical devices and items for which there is an obligation to pay a special remuneration to the holders of copyright and related rights
Official Gazette no. 45/2010
Regulation on the manner of keeping electronic records of broadcasting and rebroadcasting of copyright protected works
“Official Gazette RS”, no. 108/2014
Tariff for the realization of rights for the compensation for the public communication of musical works, performances and phonograms
“Official Gazette RS”, no 45/13
Tariff for the realization of right to special remuneration
Official Gazette RS no. 43/2013 and 8/2017
Agreement on the unified tariff of compensations for the broadcasting of phonograms and the performances recorded on them
“Official Gazette RS”, no 4/2015
The Law on Optical Discs
“Official Gazette RS”, No. 52/2011; since July 15, 2011; in force since July 23, 2011
Regulation on the contents and manner of keeping of the Register of allotted production codes and issued licenses, on the contents of claims and proofs confirming the meeting of conditions for the issuing of license, on the image and contents of the license and the content and manner of keeping records on optical discs
“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia”, no.13/2012 dated 24.02.2012
The Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
of 9 September 1886
The International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations (“the Rome Convention”)
of 26 October 1961
Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms
Law on Ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons Who Are Blind, Visually Impaired or Otherwise Print Disabled from 2020
“Official Gazette RS – International Treaties” no. 1/2020 dated 27.01.2020. Treaty has entered into force for the Republic of Serbia on 24.05.2020